Thursday 14 November 2013

Prop List, Mise-en Scene, Costumes & Locations

Location Ideas:

 When planning my music video I have explored different ideas for my a range of locations which could suit my genre and characters. One of my main location ideas is the Beverley Westwood. This is a large woodland area which includes ideal location ideas. It has a vast spacious areas of grass and lot's of trees and hidden away areas. I have gone to this location and taken photos which I have displayed above. I think I will be able to get a range of different shots for my music video here and with it being in short distance from where I live as well as my characters it has easy location to get to. Below shows the greenroom at college which is also where some of my filming will be done. I have ideas that I would like my music video being shot in black and white using this room allows me to use the green background also. I could add different backgrounds but also just use black and white. The lighting in this room is very good and well equipped for example a range of lights up above the green screen which is shown in the videos,but also a range of soft boxes and other lights.  It has a reasonable space which will help when filming and getting the best shots and quality.  

Costume & Make-up Ideas

Experiments with make-up and use of costumes:

As my genre is indie rock, I want to follow the codes and conventions in other music videos for the clothing my characters will wear. Make up is also a big part for my character. The costumes I have picked for my 2 main characters are for Jamie, black jeans, white t shirt and black boots. I think this outfit fits in with my video. As Jamie has long messy hair on the top it suits the idea of the look of 'indie' watching and analyzing previous music video which suit this genre shows this. Black and white is shown a main theme running through the videos, I want to include this in my own music video and picking these specific outfits will follow the ideology. My other main character Elle is also following the codes and conventions of  'indie' the outfit I have chose is black jeans/tights, a black dress and leather jacket. Leather jackets are associated with indie and this type of music. My character also wearing long necklaces which goes with the outfit. The outfits chose match up with both characters and between them create the idea to the audience of them being a challenged couple together. Seeing them dressed as matched up to the genre shows the chemistry between the characters. If one character was dressed in the genre of pop/R&B it would challenge the conventions. It wouldn't engage in the music video and the audience wouldn't relate. Whereas if both characters followed the same conventions it draws the audience in. It links in with the music and genre but also created continuity throughout the music video.  

 Here is Elle which I have experimented with makeup. I wanted very natural but powerful makeup. She has very definite features which is create and was create to experiment with makeup with her. Along with costumes in some scenes I want her hair down but some others up. In different locations I want her look different which will create a nice effect to my music video.

Health & Safety Production Assessment

I created a Health & Safety Production Assessment for possibly accidents when producing my music video. I have included possibly hazards and who is at risk who is included when producing my music video. The controls mean what I will do to prevent the accidents from happening. The Serverity of injury, chance of injury and risk all range from low-possibly high. I will follow this when producing my video so that i avoid any accidents happening when working outside and in the studio. All things I have mentioned could possibly happen so using this will reduce the risk. I will show the people who are in/helping with my music video so that they're aware what could happn and they can follow all the controls to stop injury and hurting themselves.


Casting List:

Elle Thresh: The girl who is the temptation and referred to as the 'temptation'
Jamie Cording: The main guy who is trying to resist elle
Jodee Evans: Helping with lighting and props

This is my cast list that will feature in my music video, I have sent each person an email to confirm they will help me produce my music video and make sure everything it okay.

 This is the email that I sent and everyone replied that it would be okay.

Elle Thresh 

Elle will be one of my main character in my music video. She is a media and photography student so she has a creative flare and will be a good person to help me out. She is the girl related to as the temptation she is featured throughout the music video. When performing in my music video I will consider what different props she will use. I will experiment with different costumes and make up which will enhance my chosen genre and I think Elle is well suited for my character. 

Jamie Cording 

Jamie will be the the main guy in my music video, along side my main character Elle. He is also a photography and media student which will come in very useful when shooting my video. He is very confident around the camera which will be ideal and an ideal main character. He already has an indie look which will be ideal to suit my chosen genre. I will style him matching my chosen genre, from the hair and the clothing I will also think carefully into picking props that i could use.

Jodee Evans

Jodee will help me in my music videos with various things, for example lighting, props and makeup and styling my main characters. Jodee is also a photography and media student so she is aware and familiar with mise-en scene which is perfect when planning my video. She is also aware of how to use a camera and special lightening techniques this will come in very useful when shooting and will help make my music video as good as possible. 

Animatic & Story Board

Story Board 
I have produced A story board from my chosen initial idea, for this I drew pictures on a story board layout with different boxes. The four different boxes where sound, editing, mise-en-scene and cinematography. For each different section I would write what lyrics could be said with what cip. Editing is what would happen to edit into my next shot, cinematogrpahy would be my camera movements so if it was either a long shot or a birds eye view shot and mise-en-scene would be the location and outfits. By producing this is will make it eaiser for me when producing my music video. By planning ahead what shots will happen where and what type of camera shots I would like to include. Even though some of my ideas will change and it won't be exactly the same by the end of it this helps me plan out produced a well organised product.


Friday 8 November 2013

Conventions of form

The majority of music vides will follow the conventions of form this means that they all follow certain conventions which creates the music videos. The conventions include things like camera shots, camera angles and camera movement, mise-en-scene, editing, lighting, props and sound.

Camera Shots: Camera Shots are one of the main conventions when making a music video it includes shots like long shots, mid shot and close up. These are all capturing what is happening in the music video and creating the narrative. It is used to crete emphasis on the artist also on the location and what is happening and the emotions. Close-ups can be used more to reflect the lyrics of the song with the movement of the lips but also the emotion side. These are conventions which the majority of music videos will follow. The movement of the camera is also very important it is used to track and follow the artist or band. These movements include things like tilts, pans, tracking shots. 

Mise-en-scene: Mise-en-scene is also a very important convention when producing a music video this is because it refers to the arrangement of the performance and props on stage and included in the music video. Mise-en-scene creates the importance and the representation of something. The props are a main part of the mise-en-scene because of the items of clothing they're wearing these sometimes makes it clear of what genre the music video is following. Example of this would be if the music was indie the people in the video might be a band so they would wear leather jackets and black clothing but if the video was following the conventions of a pop/R&B video they would be seen dressed in gold chains and bagging clothing which reflects the genre. Mise-en-scene is included in every music video also including the location this reflects the conventions and how the music video is presented and the genre. 

Editing & sound & props: These are used while following the conventions of a music video because it creates the setting and backs up the mise-en-scene. The lighting for example if black and white lighting is used it emphasises the mood of the video. Some video uses artifactual lighting to create a special effect for the artist or band it creates an enhanced look. Sound is mainly the vocals but in some cases the music video is also used to create a short story either before or after and in the middle of the music video. Props are also a vital part in the creating of a music video, they add to the scene and create significance on particular objects and people.

Music conventions of Indie/Rock

Looking at my particular genre even though music videos tend to follow the same conventions despite the genre. Different genres also follow different conventions an example of this is indie/rock will follow the conventions in there music video of wearing mainly black and white. The artist and band is often shown throughout the music video. They use extreme close-ups and long-shots which are popular.
The location is also important and the genre indie they tend to be very dark locations they sometimes use special effects.